Past courses

  • Face-to-Face Training Course: Fish Nutrition and Feeding – DEADLINE 29 July 2019 – NOW CLOSED

    Course overviewImage of leaflet

    What are the raw materials used or going to be used in future aquafeeds? How do we formulate aquafeeds? What are the main technologies used for aquafeed production? What are the current research topics on fish nutrition? By answering these questions, this training course will help you to gain solid knowledge on fish nutrition, physiology and feeding. This course will address macro- and micro-nutrients and energy requirements, the evaluation of feedstuff and diet digestibility, the link between feed intake and growth as well as feed formulation and production technology. This training course will also address the environmental impact of aquaculture and feed production, interaction of nutrition with genetics, ongoing research on fish nutrition and feeding and the use of alternative feed ingredients.

    Course content

    Training will be provided through lectures, practical exercises, field visits and an industry seminar.

    Lectures topics will include;

    • Fish physiology
    • Research
    • Feeding
    • Ingredients
    • Digestibility
    • Formulation
    • Extrusion
    • Nutrition requirements

    Course participants will take part in a technical visit to INRA’s fish farm facilities which include tanks in a raceway system adapted to the implementation of growth and metabolism trials. The fish farm also hosts experimental facilities for the production of experimental extruded feed.
    This training course will also include the opportunity for participants to visit a feed factory exclusively dedicated to the aquaculture sector.

    This course will include a dedicated mini industry seminar on fish nutrition and feeding, facilitating interactive discussions between all participants and industry representatives from aquafeed, insect and yeast production companies and fish farms. The mini industry seminar will include short opinion presentations from aquaculture industry stakeholders on the future of fish nutrition.

    It is possible for industry stakeholders to attend only the seminar. 

    To register please contact Sandrine Skiba:

    Date & Time

    This course will take place from Monday the 18th of November until Friday the 22nd of November, at INRA Aquapôle, Saint Pée sur Nivelle, France.

    Target Audience

    This course is designed for professionals from the fish feed industry who are interested in updating their knowledge on fish nutrition and new aquafeeds formulation. Students who are interested in specialising in fish nutrition are also welcome on this course. The course is also open to companies producing new feed ingredients (insect, micro and macroalgae, pre or probiotics) who would like to discover opportunities to enlarge their market to the fish feed production sector.

    Course Organisers 

    Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique (INRA) UMR1419 NUMEA (Nutrition, Métabolisme, Aquaculture), France with the assistance and expertise of Agencia Estatal Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas (CSIC) (Spain), Wageningen University (WU) (the Netherlands) and University of Stirling (UoS) (United Kingdom).

    Course Tutors:

    Name: Sandrine Skiba
    Position: Research Director
    Organisation: INRA NUMEA
    Contact details:

    Name: Stéphane Panserat
    Position: Research Director
    Organisation: INRA NUMEA
    Contact details:

    General Data Protection Regulation

    The AQUAEXCEL2020 project partners are subject to the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) which came into force on 25th May 2018. Data that is collected and processed for the purposes of facilitating and administering AQUAEXCEL2020 training courses is therefore subject to GDPR. Please review our Data Management Policy here.

    It is a requirement of GDPR that all data subjects (i.e. training course applicants) give explicit consent to the storage and processing of their personal data. A separate GDPR Consent Form is therefore provided, and this must be completed by an individual applying for an AQUAEXCEL2020 training course. This should be attached to the training course application.


    To apply, please send the following documents to,  with the subject line:  AQUAEXCEL2020 /TrainingCourse_Nutrition_INRA 

    • Completed Registration Form - NOW CLOSED
    • CV / Résumé
    • A Letter of Motivation
    • Completed GDPR Consent Form - Here


    The application deadline is 29th July 2019: NOW CLOSED


    Further information

    Course attendance is free, thanks to European Union Horizon 2020 funding. Participants are expected to pay for their own travel, subsistence and accommodation. Places will be confirmed, at the latest, two months before the start of the training course. Admittance to the course will be confirmed officially through e-mail.

    Please do not make travel arrangements unless you have received official confirmation of your place on the course.

    For further information about the course content, fees and other information of interest, please click here.

  • Face-to-Face Training Course: Planning and conducting experimental infection trials in fish – DEADLINE 22 July 2019 – NOW CLOSED

    Course overview

    This face-to-face training course will focus on considerations needed for both theTraining course leaflet planning phase and conduction of experimental infection trials (including viruses, bacteria and parasites) in fish. Husbandry and management of typical freshwater and saltwater species (e.g. salmonids, carp, marine non-salmonids) will be covered in order to properly manage fish health during the study and to comply with humane endpoints. General considerations when designing an infection trial including infection methods, sampling methods, sampling size, diagnostic procedures, statistical considerations and survival analysis will be introduced. The training course will include planning trials in prophylaxis and treatment.

    Course content

    The course will consist of five days of training through traditional lectures and practical exercises.
    The course will include an industry mini seminar, organised on the final day (Friday 15 November), which will be a unique opportunity to network and exchange knowledge with industry stakeholders in the field.

    Lectures topics will include;

    • Experimental infection fish trials
    • Fish health and physiology
    • Husbandry of carps, salmonids and marine non-salmonid species
    • Sampling procedures
    • Survival analysis
    • Sample size
    • Designing trials

    It is possible for industry stakeholders to attend only the industry seminar, without attending the full training course. A separate registration form for attendance at the seminar only will be available here in the coming weeks.

    Date & Time

    This course will take place from Monday the 11th of November until Friday the 15th of November, at Danmarks Tekniske Universitet (DTU) Aqua, Lyngby, Denmark.

    Target Audience

    This course may be of interest to PhD students, researchers, fish farm health managers, and research employees such as those in the pharma industry with an interest in experimental studies of infectious diseases.

    Course Organisers 

    Danmarks Tekniske Universitet (DTU) Aqua (Denmark) with the assistance and expertise of Agencia Estatal Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas (CSIC) (Spain), Nemzeti Agrárkutatási és Innovációs Központ (NAIK) (Hungary) and University of Stirling (UoS) (United Kingdom).

    Contact: Tine Moesgaard Iburg (DTU):

    Course Tutors:

    Niccoló Vendramin Veterinarian, DVM, PhD

    Position: Coordinator of European Reference Laboratories for fish disease

    Organisation: Danmarks Tekniske Universitet (DTU) Aqua (Denmark)

    Contact details:

    Niccoló Vendramin PhD thesis entitled: “Piscine orthoreovirus. Distribution, characterization and experimental infections in salmonids,” is a multidisciplinary project where traditional virological methods, immunochemical staining, novel molecular methods and in-vivo experimental trials have been combined to study this newly described virus. Currently Niccoló is fully re-integrated in his role as coordinator of European Reference laboratory for fish diseases, and working in the unit for Fish and Shellfish diseases now located at DTU Aqua.


    Professor Niels Jørgen Olesen, DVM, Ph.D

    Position: Head of Unit

    Organisation: Danmarks Tekniske Universitet (DTU) Aqua (Denmark)

    Contact details:

    Professor Olesen’s research interests are fish diseases with a focus on their surveillance and control, on prophylaxis, and on development of diagnostic methods. His activities include studies on host-pathogen interactions, on serological response, vaccine development and genetic resistance, development of immunochemical methods such as immunoflourescence, ELISA, immunohistochemistry for pathogen detection. They also include disease pathogenesis studies and molecular and immunological pathogen characterization, epidemiology and health management in aquaculture and risk analysis.


    Niels Lorenzen

    Position: Professor

    Organisation: Danmarks Tekniske Universitet (DTU) Aqua (Denmark)

    Contact details:

    Professor Niels Lorenzen’s research interests include immunology/vaccinology and virology/microbiology with emphasis on host-pathogen interactions and disease prophylaxis in fish. His interests also include characterization of innate and adaptive protective mechanisms of the animal host as well as pathogen virulence parameters, and use of infection models in fish for development of testing of basic and applied prophylactic and therapeutic concepts based on biotechnology, as well as for understanding occurrence and propagation of infectious diseases.


    Anders Stockmarr

    Position: Associate Professor

    Organisation: DTU Department of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science

    Contact details:

    Anders Stockmarr is a statistician with a strong record in Biostatistics and engineering applications.


    Peter Vilhelm Skov

    Position: Associate Professor

    Organisation: Danmarks Tekniske Universitet (DTU) Aqua (Denmark)

    Contact details:

    Peter Skov works in the field of bioenergetics in aquaculture, specifically the dietary requirements for macronutrients in different fish species, how fish utilize their ingested energy, effects of environmental and water quality perturbations on energy partitioning and fuel use, the application of exercise in fishes, metabolism, activity levels, robustness, dominance, and growth. Furthermore, Peter conducts research on the importance of different types of dissolved gas in aquaculture, predominantly oxygen, carbon dioxide and nitrogen. This involves methods for determining dissolved levels, addition of gases, and their removal, efficiency and operational costs of aeration and degassing installations. This area also encompasses the importance of unbalanced gas levels in production, e.g. hypoxia, hypercapnia and gas supersaturation.


    Professor Alexandra (Sandra) Adams

    Position: Head of Fish Health

    Organisation: Institute of Aquaculture, University of Stirling

    Contact details:;

    Professor Alexandra (Sandra) Adams is Head of the Fish Health Group and team leader for the Immunology and Vaccinology Group at the Institute of Aquaculture, University of Stirling. She graduated from the University of Glasgow (BSc) and University College London (PhD) in Biochemistry and then moved to University of Stirling as the aquaculture industry was just beginning to expand in the UK. She has worked on the development of fish vaccines and rapid diagnostic tests since 1985 and is also the co-founder of Aquatic Diagnostics Ltd (, a spin-out company, marketing monoclonal antibodies for the identification of fish pathogens and detection of components of the fish immune system.

    Professor Adams has published over 180 papers and has worked with a variety of fish species developing experimental challenge models. Her main current research interests include fish vaccine development, host-pathogen interactions, development of multiplex tests for the detection of fish pathogens and components of the fish immune system, and elucidating the effects of feed components and novel feed additives on the immune system and disease susceptibility.


    László Ardó, PhD

    Position: Senior researcher

    Organisation: National Research and Innovation Centre, Research Institute for Fisheries and Aquaculture, Szarvas, Hungary

    Contact details:

    László Ardó wrote his PhD thesis on the application of herbal medicine extracts to improve health status and innate immune response of fish. His fields of study include the application of immunostimulants in aquaculture, the connection between the genetic background and innate immune response and the effects of stress on the immunity of fish. In 2018, László became the leader of the group of fish immunology in the Research Institute for Fisheries, Aquaculture and Irrigation.


    Oswaldo Palenzuela

    Position: Research Scientist, CSIC

    Organisation: Inst. Aquaculture “Torre la Sal” (IATS-CSIC)

    Contact details:

    Oswaldo Palenzuela currently works at the Institute of Aquaculture “Torre de la Sal” (IATS), of the Spanish Council for Scientific Research (CSIC).  He is appointed Vice-Director of the Institute and Director of the Fish Diagnostics Service. During his scientific career, his activities have focused on the study of parasitic infections of fish, particularly on infections caused by protozoans and other microscopical endoparasites. His current research areas focus on diagnostics and identification of prophylactic and therapeutic targets for some of the major parasites affecting Spanish and European marine aquaculture. Since 2015 he is the diagnostics WP leader in Horizon 2020-funded project ParaFishControl.

    General Data Protection Regulation

    The AQUAEXCEL2020 project partners are subject to the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) which came into force on 25th May 2018. Data that is collected and processed for the purposes of facilitating and administering AQUAEXCEL2020 training courses is therefore subject to GDPR. Please review our Data Management Policy here.

    It is a requirement of GDPR that all data subjects (i.e. training course applicants) give explicit consent to the storage and processing of their personal data. A separate GDPR Consent Form is therefore provided, and this must be completed by an individual applying for an AQUAEXCEL2020 training course. This should be attached to the training course application.


    To apply, please send the following documents to,  with the subject line:  AQUAEXCEL2020 /TrainingCourse_Infection_DTU 

    • Completed Registration Form - NOW CLOSED
    • CV / Résumé
    • A Letter of Motivation
    • Completed GDPR Consent Form - Here


    The application deadline is 22nd July 2019: NOW CLOSED


    Further information

    Course attendance is free, thanks to European Union Horizon 2020 funding. Participants are expected to pay for their own travel, subsistence and accommodation. Places will be confirmed, at the latest, two months before the start of the training course. Admittance to the course will be confirmed officially through e-mail.

    Please do not make travel arrangements unless you have received official confirmation of your place on the course.

    For further information about the course content, fees and other information of interest, please click here.

  • Face to Face Training Course: Introductory Bioinformatic Course to Sequencing Data Processing

    Course overview

    Bioinformatics is a must-have skill required in every modern research lab. This coursLeaflete will explore the fundamentals of bioinformatics analysis. The participants will be provided with end-to-end hands-on training, along with an introduction to basic concepts, in using popular tools. Participants will gain an understanding of bioinformatics analysis in the context of aquaculture research. The key learning objectives are for participants to understand the utility of NGS for a range of aquaculture-related objectives and bioinformatics pipelines for NGS data, and to gain knowledge of specific pipelines for RADseq and RNAseq protocols.

    Course content

    Training will be provided through blended learning elements such as lectures, practical exercises and a mini industry seminar. 

    Lectures topics will include;

    • Unix/Linux command system and basic scripting
    • Sequence alignment (genomic and transcriptomic)
    • Variation calling (SNP)
    • RNA-Seq expression measurement
    • 16S metagenomics
    • Genome assembly with short and long reads
    • Marker development (GBS/RAD-Seq)

    Date & Time

    This course will take place from Monday the 26th of August until Friday the 30th of August, at the Institute of Aquaculture, University of Stirling (UoS), Scotland, UK. 

    Target Audience

    The target audience is primarily students and lab researchers who want to be introduced to bioinformatics concepts and analysis. This course is not an advanced course for bioinformatists, but rather a starter course for researchers that want to have a better understanding of their data, gain more insights or to plan experiments better and maximise the analytics output.
    Required competence level: basic knowledge of molecular biological methods.

    Course Tutors:

    • Dr Michaël Bekaert - UoS, UK

    Dr Michaël Bekaert, senior lecturer in bioinformatics and genomics, is working extensively on the genomics of fish (cyprinids, salmonids, cichlids), mussels, sea lice, pathogenic bacteria and viruses, and SNP-based genetic mapping in aquaculture. Dr Bekaert has been involved in cloud-based software solutions for next generation diagnostics in infectious diseases. More recently, Dr Bekaert has addressed questions of genetic diversity, genome assembly, and marker discovery in farmed fish.

    • Christophe Klopp - INRA, France

    Christophe Klopp currently works at the Department of Applied Mathematics and Informatics, French National Institute for Agricultural Research. Christophe leads a group of bioinformaticians providing services to INRA, biologists working in animal genomics and co-leads the local bio-informatic Genotoul platform. These teams develop software packages, train biologists and take part in research projects.


    General Data Protection Regulation

    The AQUAEXCEL2020 project partners are subject to the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) which came into force on 25th May 2018. Data that is collected and processed for the purposes of facilitating and administering AQUAEXCEL2020 training courses is therefore subject to GDPR. Please review our Data Management Policy here.

    It is a requirement of GDPR that all data subjects (i.e. training course applicants) give explicit consent to the storage and processing of their personal data. A separate GDPR Consent Form is therefore provided, and this must be completed by an individual applying for an AQUAEXCEL2020 training course. This should be attached to the training course application.


    To apply, please send the following documents to,  with the subject line:  AQUAEXCEL2020 /TrainingCourse_Bioinformatics_UoS

    • Completed Registration Form - NOW CLOSED
    • CV / Résumé
    • A Letter of Motivation
    • Completed GDPR Consent Form - Here


    The application deadline is 21st June 2019: NOW CLOSED


    Further information

    Course attendance is free, thanks to EC H2020 funding. Participants are expected to pay for their own travel, subsistence and accommodation. Places will be confirmed, at the latest, one month before the start of the training course. Admittance to the course will be confirmed officially through e-mail.

    Please do not make travel arrangements unless you have received official confirmation of your place on the course.

    For further information about the course content, fees and other information of interest, please click here.

    Participants are expected to have a laptop.

  • Face-to-Face Training Course: Laboratory Animal Science for Aquatic Research Facilities

    Course descriptionLeaflet

    This course will give participants an insight into the current European legislation around animal science in research and the ethical requirements to be considered when working with animals in aquatic research facilities. This course will also train researchers in effective experimental design, experimental modelling, application of sampling regimes and maintenance of aquaculture systems by focusing on topics including; ways of Reducing, Refining and Replacing fish in experiments, transfer protocols for optimal welfare and performance, water quality and welfare in aquaculture, correct fish handling and scaling, and tank size and fish management.

    Course content

    The course will consist of four days of lectures, exercises, mini seminars and site visits designed and provided by a range of experts from around Europe. Each day will focus on a specific aspect of animal science for aquatic research facilities, these include;

    • Legislation, ethics and the 3Rs and welfare
    • Experimental models and model animals
    • Experimental fish handling
    • Scaling and experimental design

    During the course there will be a visit to IMR Matre Research station ( and the Austevoll research station ( which will include a mini seminar entitled ‘From Laboratory to Industry’.

    There will also be opportunities for participants to take part in modelling exercises, putting into practice skills learned from the lectures and talks provided.

    Date & Time

    This course will take place from Monday the 17th until Friday the 21st of June, at the Institute of Marine Research, Bergen, Norway.

    Target Audience

    Primarily aquaculture researchers and students and aquaculture industry stakeholders working directly with animals.

    Course Tutors

    • Tom Hansen - IMR, Norway
    • Ragnar Nortvedt - IMR, Norway
    • Åsa Espmark - NOFIMA, Norway
    • Dr Elin Kjørsvik – NTNU, Norway
    • Dr Sylvain Milla – UL, France
    • Dr Martine Føre -  NTNU, Norway
    • Rolf Erik Olsen - NTNU, Norway
    • Dr Lars Helge Stien - IMR, Norway
    • Dr Liv Søfteland - IMR, Norway
    • Dr Anna Wargelius - IMR, Norway
    • Dr Nina Sandlund - IMR, Norway
    • Dr Per Gunnar Fjelldal - IMR, Norway
    • Dr Birgitta Norberg - IMR, Norway
    • Joachim Nordbø - IMR, Norway
    • Dr Tore.Kristiansen - IMR, Norway
    • Dr Jonatan Nilsson - IMR, Norway
    • Dr Frode Oppedal - IMR, Norway
    • Dag Atle Tuft - NFSA, Norway
    • Ep Eding - WU, the Netherlands


    For more information on course tuition, please email Tom Hansen at, or Ragnar Nortvedt at

    General Data Protection Regulation

    The AQUAEXCEL2020 project partners are subject to the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) which came into force on 25th May 2018. Data that is collected and processed for the purposes of facilitating and administering AQUAEXCEL2020 training courses is therefore subject to GDPR. Please review our Data Management Policy here.

    It is a requirement of GDPR that all data subjects (i.e. training course applicants) give explicit consent to the storage and processing of their personal data. A separate GDPR Consent Form is therefore provided, and this must be completed by an individual applying for an AQUAEXCEL2020 training course. This should be attached to the training course application.


    To apply, please send the following documents to, with the subject line: AQUAEXCEL2020 /TrainingCourse_Lab_IMR

    • Completed Registration Form - CLOSED
    • CV / Résumé
    • A Letter of Motivation
    • Completed GDPR Consent From - Download here


    The application deadline has been extended to 17th April 2019

    Further information

    Course attendance is free, thanks to EC H2020 funding. Participants are expected to pay for their own travel, subsistence and accommodation. Places will be confirmed, at the latest, two months before the start of the training course. Admittance to the course will be confirmed officially via email.

    Please do not make travel arrangements unless you have received official confirmation.

    For further information about the course content, fees and other information of interest, please click here.

  • Face to Face Training Course: Recirculating Aquaculture Systems (RAS) Technology (2)

    Course overviewLeaflet

    Recirculating Aquaculture Systems (RAS) were originally developed to grow freshwater species and produce marine juveniles. However, RAS technology has increasingly been used for the on-growing of a wide variety of fish (including marine species) and shellfish. RAS can be operated irrespective of the target temperature and salinity, and the annual production capacity of some industrial systems can now amount to thousands of tons.

    As part of this course, leading experts in RAS technology will present the principles and concepts in RAS and discuss the operation of conventional and ‘ecosystem approach’-based RAS. Participants will gain an understanding of the principles of recirculation technology, the types of RAS and their specificities, capabilities and limitations, the advantages and necessary conditions for the optimal use / operation of RAS, and the ongoing research which can increase its efficiency and nutrient use.

    Course content

    Training will be provided through traditional lectures, practical exercises and field visits to experimental facilities. 

    Lectures topics will include;

    • Aspects of recirculation technology relevant to research
    • Design, management, operation and evaluation of RAS
    • Fish consumption and production: system mass balance and model
    • Closing systems
    • Minimising water and nutrient use
    • Different use of Recirculating Aquaculture Systems (RAS)


    The course will include a RAS Industry Mini Seminar organised with NGvA (the Dutch association for aquaculture) and Aquarius (aquaculture student organisation). This seminar will include discussions on the state of RAS in the world, the requirements of Atlantic salmon smolts and post smolts in RAS, Yellowtail Kingfish and off flavour and RAS in practice. It will also present an opportunity to network and discuss RAS developments with other course participants and experts from research and industry.

    As part of the course, participants will take part in a technical visit to experimental facilities; the Aquaculture and Fisheries Group - Aquatic Research Facility (AFI-ARF) and the Recirculating eel farm (200 MT production capacity).

    Date & Time

    This course will take place from Monday the 6th of May until Thursday the 9th of May, at Wageningen University, Wageningen, The Netherlands.

    Target Audience

    This course is designed for aquaculture professionals (e.g. engineers, researchers, etc.) interested in the potential applications of RAS. Participants should have (basic) knowledge of aspects of recirculation technology. This knowledge can be on the design or operational use.

    The industry mini-seminar is designed (1) for the participants to network with professionals and (2) for professionals who would like to hear the latest discussions and scientific developments in the RAS sector and to better understand the needs for RAS development in other countries.

    Course Tutors:

    • Geert Wiegertjes - WU, the Netherlands
    • Johann Verreth – WU, the Netherlands
    • Johan Schrama – WU, the Netherlands
    • Ep Eding - WU, the Netherlands
      • "Fish, consumptions and productions: system mass balance and model"
      • "Biofiltration principles"
    • Vasco Mota - Nofima
      • "Water Quality Requirments in RAS"
      • "Design, dimensioning and operational of RAS research facilities"
      • "Requirements of Atlantic salmon smots and postsmolts in RAS"
    • Raoul Piedrahita – California, USA
      • "Tank hydraulics and solids removal processes"
      • "Suspended Solids characterisation and control/removal"
      • "Gas control (oxygen, carbon dioxide and nitrogen gas)"
    • Olaf Valdstein – NTNU
      • "Biofiltration and bacterial environment"
      • "Bacterial control and bio-security"
    • Per Bovbjerg Pedersen - DTU
      • "Low energy RAS"
      • "Energy control in RAS design"
    • Edward Schram - ASG, the Netherlands
      • "Off flavour"
    • TBC - Kingfish Zeeland, the Netherlands

    General Data Protection Regulation

    The AQUAEXCEL2020 project partners are subject to the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) which came into force on 25th May 2018. Data that is collected and processed for the purposes of facilitating and administering AQUAEXCEL2020 training courses is therefore subject to GDPR. Please review our Data Management Policy here.

    It is a requirement of GDPR that all data subjects (i.e. training course applicants) give explicit consent to the storage and processing of their personal data. A separate GDPR Consent Form is therefore provided, and this must be completed by an individual applying for an AQUAEXCEL2020 training course. This should be attached to the training course application.


    To apply, please send the following documents to,  with the subject line: AQUAEXCEL2020 /TrainingCourse_ RAS2_WU 

    • Completed Registration Form - Here
    • CV / Résumé
    • A Letter of Motivation
    • Completed GDPR Consent From - Here


    The application deadline is 19th March 2019

    Further information

    Course attendance is free, thanks to EC H2020 funding. Participants are expected to pay for their own travel, subsistence and accommodation. Places will be confirmed, at the latest, one month before the start of the training course. Admittance to the course will be confirmed officially through e-mail.

    Please do not make travel arrangements unless you have received official confirmation.

    For further information about the course content, fees and other information of interest, please click here.

  • Face to Face Training Course: Recirculating Aquaculture System (RAS) Technology

    Course organisers: Ifremer (France), Wageningen University (the Netherlands)
    Location: IFREMER Sète research station, France
    Date: 24-28 October 2016

    Course overview:

    Traditionally, recirculating aquaculture systems were mainly developed in Europe to grow out freshwater species and produce marine fingerlings. However, they have become increasingly used for the on-growing of a wide variety of fish (including marine species) and shellfish. They can be operated irrespective of the target temperature and salinity, and the annual production capacity of some industrial systems can now amount to thousands of tons. Recirculating aquaculture systems (RAS) allow to maintain a constant and adjustable quality of the rearing water (i.e. temperature, oxygen, nitrogen and pathogens) therefore contributing to a more intensive and reliable production and substantial energy savings. 

    The objectives of this course are to review the basics of RAS and examine the different systems, designs, operations and applications. A half day will be dedicated to a RAS industry mini seminar for which we invite industry stakeholders to join. 

    Participants will:

    • Gain solid knowledge about the principles of RAS
    • Become familiar with different types of RAS, their specificities, capabilities and limitations
    • Understand their advantages and the necessary conditions for their optimal use and operation
    • Master the basics for RAS design and sizing
    • Become aware of the ongoing research to increase the efficiency and acceptability of RAS

    RAS Industry Mini Seminar (Friday 28 October 2016, 08.30 – 13.00):

    A half day industry mini seminar on RAS evolution and new RAS uses, involving RAS farmers and engineering companies, will give the course participants an opportunity to exchange with industry professionals. 

    Industry stakeholders are also invited to attend the seminar to hear the latest discussions and scientific advances in the RAS sector, and exchange with the course participants to gain information on RAS development and needs for sustainable development in other countries within and outside the EU.


    Participants taking part in the full training course are requested to submit their CV and a brief letter of motivation. Places will be confirmed, at the latest, one month before the start of the training course. 
    E-mail your registration request to, using the official registration form (click here). Please indicate the following in the subject: AQUAEXCEL2020 / training course #2 (Ifremer)

    Industry participants attending the industry mini seminar only (Friday 28 October, 08.30 – 13.00) are requested to register by submitting their affiliation and contact details via e-mail to Please indicate the following in the subject: AQUAEXCEL2020 / training course #2 (Ifremer) – industry 

    Deadline: Friday 09 September 2016.

    Further information:

    For further information about the course content, fees and other information of interest, please click here.
    For a full schedule of the course click here, and for practical details see travel and accommodation.

  • Distance Learning Training Course: Experimental data management from generating protocols to sharing data (LIVE)

    Course provider: Institute of Complex Systems, University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice (Czech Republic)
    Location: Online course (live)
    Date: 25 + 27 + 29 April 2016 (3-day course, 90 minutes per day: 10.00 – 11.30hrs CEST)

    Course overview

    The course will deal with best practice experimental data management, including all aspects from preparing experiment protocols to sharing data. It is based on the experimental data repository system developed in FP7-AQUAEXCEL called bioWES. bioWES is a distributed, knowledge-based repository for large datasets, typically applicable in biological and related sciences. The bioWES scientific data management solution provides full control over experiments, from protocol design, through data acquisition and processing to sharing final results.

    Participants will learn how to use the bioWES system for their own experimental work, using their own protocols and real experimental data. The aim is that by the end of the course, each participant will be able to install the bioWES system, create his or her own account, create unique experimental protocols based on their own specific needs, store their own experimental data, create connections between experimental protocols, cooperate with colleagues through sharing and visualize the overview of individual project steps. The participants will also be introduced to the special functionality of the system: data processing modules, plugins for communication with measurement devices and standardization support.

    The course will be organized as an online training with active participation of the users. The organizers will guide the users through every single step of the bioWES system, from installation to sharing of experimental data, during three one and a half hour sessions. The participant will use their own protocols and experimental data to test theoretical knowledge on real examples. The course will be available through standard internet browser for each registered participant. It is believed that the course is particularly useful for researchers involved in AQUAEXCEL2020 TransNational Access (TNA) projects.


    E-mail your registration request to, using the official registration form (click here)
    Please indicate the following in the subject: AQUAEXCEL2020 / training course # 1 (JU)
    Deadline: Thursday 21 April 2016.


    Further information

    For further information about the course content, fees and other information of interest, please click here.