The consortium comprises 22 partners based in 12 European countries, who
are considered leaders in their respective domains of expertise.
Competences combined in AQUAEXCEL2020 range from biological sciences (genetics, nutrition, physiology, pathology) to technology (rearing systems, engineering, information and communication technologies), and integrative expertises such as system modelling and design. The partners expertise not only covers the range of the necessary academic scientific fields but also the many species that need to be considered to propose integrated aquaculture research infrastructures, as well as the access to specific environments (freshwater and marine, cold and warm water) and scales (small, medium and industrial scale).
Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique (INRA)
Ranked the number one agricultural institute in Europe and number two in the world, the Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique (INRA) carries out mission-oriented research for high-quality and healthy foods, competitive and sustainable agriculture and a preserved and valorised environment. In aquaculture, INRA has internationally-recognized teams in fish physiology, nutrition, genetics and pathology.
Role in the AQUAEXCEL2020 project
INRA will coordinate AQUAEXCEL2020,offer access to three infrastructures dedicated to all aspects of
rainbow trout research (nutrition, physiology, pathology, genetics and genomics, behaviour), lead WP7
and will have a key involvement in WPs 3, 6 and 8,
The Institute of Marine Research (IMR) is the largest marine institute in Norway and covers marine living resources, marine environment and aquaculture. The main task is to provide advice to Norwegian authorities on aquaculture and the ecosystems of the Barents Sea, the Norwegian Sea, the North Sea and the Norwegian coastal zone.
The aim of research and management advice provided by IMR is to ensure that Norway's marine resources and aquaculture industry are managed and developed within a sustainable frame.
Role in the AQUAEXCEL2020 project
IMR provides 3 facilities in the TNA and is involved in all the NAs as well as in WP6, 7, 8 (JRAS).
The three IMR facilities provided to the TNA program are:
Bergen/Disease Laboratories (BDL)
Matre Research Station/Environmental Lab Installation (ELI)
Matre Research Station/Cage Environmental Laboratory (CEL)
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Tom Hansen is a principal scientist and has more than 25 years of experience and more than 120 peer-reviewed papers in aquaculture research. He is the responsible scientist for the development of salmon clonal lines at IMR.
Rolf Erik Olsen is a principal scientist and has more than 25 years of experience in fish stress, prebiotics, nutrition, and lipid metabolism. He has published ca 130 peer reviewed manuscripts.
Dr. Anna Wargelus is the research group leader/ principal scientist for the group of Reproduction and Developmental Biology. She has 14 years of experience with molecular research on fish. Her expertise range from developmental biology, skeletal biology, reproductive biology to transcriptomics, genome biology and epigenetics. She has published 30 peer reviewed manuscripts.
The Institute of Aquaculture is a department of the University of Stirling and its mission is to carry out research and teaching in sustainable aquaculture. It carries out research in most areas of aquaculture related science, including health and welfare, nutrition, reproduction and genetics, and aquaculture development and environmental management.
The Institute of Aquaculture will provide access to any of its laboratory and experimental fish holding and disease challenge facilities. The Institute is capable of supporting research in most fields of aquaculture related experimental science. Our on-campus and remote facilities are closely integrated increasing the potential for interdisciplinary research to support the development of sustainable aquaculture. The Institute’s strength lies in offering the combination of internationally recognised staff, across many disciplines, working in first class laboratory facilities with access to fish-keeping and challenge facilities as a single infrastructure. The Institute also has major training and teaching role and can rapidly disseminate its research finding through its undergraduate degree and postgraduate MSc and PhD programmes.
Role in the AQUAEXCEL2020 project
UoS will coordinate the TNA programme (WP1) and will be involved in WP3 (submission of genomic data to Digital Fish), WP6 (identification of humane endpoints in disease challenges) and WP7 (particularly the genomic verification of isogenic lines and the development of cell transplantation technologies to improve the long-term maintenance of isogenic and other important experimental fish lines).
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Prof Brendan McAndrew is Head of the Genetics and Reproduction Research Group and is Director of Research for the School of Natural Sciences. He will lead the work on the Genomics and Cell transplantation.
Mr John Bostock is head of the Institute of Aquaculture’s consultancy arm Stirling Aquaculture and Coordinator of the Erasmus Aquat-net thematic network for aquaculture, fisheries and aquatic resources management. He will lead WP 1 on TNA.
Contact John:
Dr David Penman will act as the Institute’s TNA advisor and will also be closely involved in the development of the verification of isogenic lines and proof of concept for Cell transplantation in fish.
Agencia Estatal Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC)
The Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) is the largest public institution dedicated to research in Spain and the third largest in Europe. It covers all fields of knowledge, broaching from basic to applied research. CSIC participates in AQUAEXCEL2020 through the Instituto de Acuicultura Torre de la Sal (IATS), focused on basic and applied aspects of mariculture research, Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas (IIM) with a wider focus from oceanography to food technology through aquaculture, and Instituto de Microelectrónica de Barcelona (IMB-CNM), the largest public microelectronics R&D centre in Spain, focused on micro- and nano-electronics, including the design and integration of subsystems and complete smart systems along with microsensors.
The involved CSIC teams hold expertise to carry out scientific research in:
CSIC will have a major role in WP8 as leader (IATS) and with the strategic input of the technological skills of IMB-CNM. CSIC will have a transversal participation in all NAs and IATS will be involved also in WP6, using sea bass and sea bream as models, taking advantage of tools and knowledge generated in FP7-AQUAEXCEL.
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Dr Ariadna Sitjà-Bobadilla is the Head of the Fish Pathology group at IATS, with 25 years of research experience and more than 100 articles in SCI journals. Her primary research area is marine fish parasites, with emphasis on immune response, host-parasite relationships, pathology, and environmental conditions driving host susceptibility. She has almost 15 years’ experience in EU projects. She will manage RIs offered in TNA.
Prof Jaume Pérez-Sánchez, Head of the Department of Marine Species Biology, Culture and Pathology of IATS and member of the Agriculture Sciences board of CSIC, has more than 25 years of experience on fish nutrition, nutrigenomics and endocrinology and authored more than 100 articles and book chapters. He took part and led in national and EU projects for the last 20 years. He will lead WP8 and have a key role in WP6.
Dr Enric Cabruja is the Deputy-Director of IMB-CNM. He has more than 25 years of experience in microelectronics in general and especially in Flipchip Chip Packaging and sensorGEM detectors. He has d been involved in many national and EU projects as researcher and leader. He has authored more than 60 papers and holds various patents in the field of microelectronics. He will have a key role in WP8.
HCMR is the main research and advisory body for marine environment, fisheries and aquaculture in Greece. The HCMR will participate in the AQUAEXCEL2020 project with the Institute of Marine Biology, Biotechnology and Aquaculture (IMBBC). IMBBC aims to carry out basic and applied research on 1) aquaculture technology, reproduction, rearing, nutrition, welfare, pathology and fish quality 2) diversity of marine and freshwater life, phylogeography and genomics of marine species, development of genomic approaches in fish aquaculture, bioinformatics and interactions of organisms with their environment. IMBBC has a long-standing experience in converting accumulated
knowledge to aquaculture technologies applicable to the private sector, development of genetic tools for parentage assignment, production of genetic maps and QTL analyses of aquaculture species.
Role in the AQUAEXCEL2020 project
The Institute of Marine Biology, Biotechnology and Aquaculture will offer access to TNA (WP1), participate in workshops with industry (WP2), contribute to the genomics (WP3), help to the development modeling tools for growth and nutrition and feeding (WP5) and will participate in the definition of the effect of sampling procedures and husbandry practices on research results (WP6).
The HCMR Research Infrastructures open for Access in the AQUAEXCEL2020 project are:
Dr Stavros Chatzifotis will be involved in the TNA activities of HCMR. He is a researcher associate with several years’ experience in fish nutrition. His research interests include the determination of nutrient requirements of fish and feeding behaviour and diet selection by fish. stavros(at)
Dr Nikos Papandroulakis will be involved in WP5 and WP6. He is a research director in charge of the intensive hatchery and the cage facility, studying more than 15 different species. He is interested in the development of mathematical models for food consumption and growth aiming automated management in farms and also in the study of fish behavior in rearing conditions and during stress. Among his interests are also issues related to technology transfer and the application of research results in the industry.
Dr Constantinos Tsigenopoulos will be involved in WP3. He is a research associate and he is interested in the use of molecular genetic markers to i) address questions of population structure of natural marine stocks, and ii) assist genetic improvement in aquaculture. Recently, he is interested also in comparative genomics and the introduction of genomic approaches in aquaculture practices and is actively contributing to practical applications of the produced results in commercial farms.
Nemzeti Agrárkutatási és Innovációs Központ, Halászati Kutatóintézet (NAIK HAKI)
NAIK is a chain of agricultural institutes, belonging to Ministry of Agriculture established in 2014. NAIK HAKI is a member of this chain and its main objective is to develop and promote research in fisheries and aquaculture. The Research Institute for Fisheries, Aquaculture and Irrigation (HAKI), based in Szarvas (Hungary), is an internationally acknowledged research and training centre. Its research activity in the aquaculture related units includes research in breeding & genetics of fish, aquatic chemistry and hydrobiology, fish nutrition, fish immunology, aquaculture technologies, fish meat quality analyses and quality assurance, economics and marketing of aquaculture and fisheries products. HAKI has strong expertise in genetic of carp and on the effect of feeds and feed additives including oils on fish growth, metabolism, welfare, health and resistance to diseases. Genetic, nutrition and fish physiology and aquaculture technology groups are involved In AQUAEXCEL2020.
The institute is a leading aquaculture R&D centre in Hungary and Central and Eastern Europe. The demand-led approach, the complexity and flexibility are enabling HAKI to assist aquaculture, fisheries and irrigation development programmes efficiently both in Hungary and abroad, through adaptive research, technology development, training, demonstration and extension. The wide range of activities of HAKI are supported by a unique complex of facilities.
Role in the AQUAEXCEL2020 project
The Institute will give access to two infrastructures: ponds for freshwater fish and a system for disease challenge. The institute’s staff will complete joint research activities mainly with carp and pike perch. The institute has cryopreserved and live gene bank of common carp, which will be used in the project.
The HAKI Research Infrastructures open for Access in the AQUAEXCEL2020 project are:
Dr Galina Jeney is in charge of Fish Immunology and Physiology group, she is an expert in immunology, stress and welfare of fish. She took part in many international, European and National projects. She was deputy coordinator in FP-6 EUROCARP project. She will be responsible for carrying out the proposed research and/or innovation activities.
Dr László Ardó is a member of Fish Immunology and Physiology group. He works with immunostimulants and in immunology of fish and disease resistance challenges. He will be responsible for the challenges with A. hydrophila in the proposed research.
Institut Francais de Recherche pour L’Exploitation de la Mer (Ifremer)
The French Research Institute for Exploration of the Sea (Ifremer) is the largest French institution involved in marine research (1500 people) through research centers and stations in mainland France and overseas. Through its research work and expert advice, Ifremer contributes to knowledge of the oceans and their resources, to monitoring of marine and coastal environments and to the sustainable development of marine activities.
Its research activities focus on: Monitoring, use and enhancement of coastal seas; Monitoring and optimization of aquaculture production; Fishery resources; Exploration and exploitation of the oceans; Circulation and marine ecosystems, mechanisms, trends and forecasting; Engineering of major facilities for oceanography; Knowledge transfer and innovation. Ifremer is ranked 6th in world marine science research institutions for the impact of its publications. The group involved in AQUAEXCEL2020, located in Palavas-les-Flots, holds expertise to carry out scientific research in fish domestication and selective breeding, health and welfare, and conception of innovative production systems such as recirculated systems and Integrated Multi-Trophic Aquaculture (IMTA). It works mostly with European sea bass as a model species.
Role in the AQUAEXCEL2020 project
Ifremer will be task leader in WP3 “Common standards and tools”, produce and characterize sea bass isogenic lines in WP7 and will provide Trans-National Access to the Palavas Research Station.
Dr Béatrice Chatain is a senior Scientist, in charge of the Biology of Exploited Marine Organisms research Unit. She has been involved in sea bass selective breeding research for 15 years, and has published extensively in this field (23 peer-reviewed articles on sea bass over the last 5 years). She developed research for optimisation of culture conditions, and has unique experience in breeder management, large factorial crossing designs, larval rearing, on-growing, and large-scale automated phenotype analysis.
Dr François Allal is a researcher in the field of genetic and genomic selection of sea bass. He has 8 publications in peer reviewed journal, 5 international communications and 4 national communications. He has co-directed 2 Masters and has a teaching activity in the field of genetic association and selection, phylogeography and molecular traceability (Masters DTECH-Bio/IMHE).
Mr Alain Vergnet is a senior technician in the field of genetic and selection of sea bass. He is the responsible of the development and management of the selected lines of sea bass developed in our lab and he has unique experience in breeder management, large factorial cross, on-growing, and large-scale automated phenotype analysis. He has participated in several research projects on genetic and fish welfare.
NOFIMA is a business oriented research institute working in R&D for the aquaculture, fisheries and food industry. NOFIMA shall, in cooperation with business actors and their professional organisations, provide research and solutions which will give a competitive edge throughout the value chain. NOFIMA contains three divisions; 1) Aquaculture, 2) Fisheries, industry and market, and 3) Food science. NOFIMA has managed and participated in several EU projects, such as FineFish and FP7-AQUAEXCEL.
Role in the AQUAEXCEL2020 project
NOFIMA will be actively involved in: WP1, WP2, WP4, WP5 (all tasks), WP6 (WP leader + task 6.2 leader, involved in tasks 6.1 and 6.3) and WP8 (task 8.2).
In AQUAEXCEL2020, infrastructures of Sunndalsøra and Ås will be involved.
The Nofima Research Infrastructures open through the Call for Access are:
Cleaner Fish Experimental Unit (CFU)
Centre for Recirculation in Aquaculture (NCRA)
Next Generation Sequencing of Microbiota (NGS-Microbiota)
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Dr Åsa Maria Espmark is working as a research scientist and has focused her work and managed projects on welfare indicators both in large and small scale facilities, and water quality, mainly in salmon. Dr. Espmark is leading activities on effects of pumping, crowding and management of postsmolts. In AQUAEXCEL2020 she will lead WP6.
Dr Jelena Kolarevic (F) is a researcher with background in population ecology, fish physiology and fish reproduction biology. During last five years she has been working with RAS that include environment and fish monitoring, equipment testing and the effects of water quality on fish welfare and performance.
Dr Trine Ytrestøyl is s a research scientist with background in fish physiology and nutrition. She has also worked with pigmentation of salmonid fishes. During the last couple of years she has been involved in projects focusing on optimizing production protocols in RAS for large post-smolts of Atlantic salmon.
The University of South Bohemia in Ceske Budejovice is a public institution which provides higher education and also focuses on scientific research. One of the university faculties is the Faculty of Fisheries and Protection of Waters (FFPW), established in Sept 2009. The basic workplaces of the FFPW are the Research Institute of Fish Culture and Hydrobiology in Vodňany (RIFCH), the Institute of Aquaculture (IA) in Česke Budejovice, the Institute of Complex Systems (ICS) in Nove Hrady and the International Environmental Educational, Advisory and Information Centre of Protection Vodnany (IEEAIC).
The RIFCH is focused on scientific and especially applied research, education and activities in the fields of fisheries and protection of waters. The RIFCH utilizes a small fishpond farm, river fishing preserve, specialized laboratories, aquarium rooms, two experimental facilities for research into reproduction, genetics and the breeding of fish, and the intensive breeding of fish and crayfish, including recirculation systems with water filtration.
The IA provides research, educational and consulting services focusing on pond aquaculture, nutrition and feeding of fish in ponds and intensive culture of fish. The ICS deals with the study of complex systems in natural and social sciences, with technical and other applications of research results. The IEEAIC is administrative body of the faculty.
Role in the AQUAEXCEL2020 project
Most FFPW RIs will be offered for the TNA access. The ICS will be involved in the WP 3 (web based system for TNA applications, module for standardization usage in the repository and central system for metadata sharing) and the WP5 (modelling tools). The RIFCH will take part in the cryobanking, experimental fish handling and transfer (WP6) and maintenance of isogenic carp lines (WP 7).
The four Research Infrastructures open for Access are:
Institute of Complex Systems (ICS)
Institute of Aquaculture and Protection of Waters (IAPW)
Intensive Freshwater Aquaculture Units (IFA)
Laboratory of Fish Genetics and Reproduction and Hatchery (GRC)
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Prof Ing Otomar Linhart, DSc is the dean of the FFPW and the director of the CENAKVA project under which the FFPW research capacities were reconstructed. He is also involved in the Laboratory of Reproductive Physiology, RIFCH. He has over 30 years of experience working in fish spermatology and cryopreservation.
Ing Petr Cisar, PhD is a director of the ICS as well as the deputy head of the Laboratory of signal and image processing.
Ing Vojtech Kaspar, PhD is the vice-dean for foreign affairs and a researcher of the Laboratory of Molecular, Cellular and Quantitative Genetics, RIFCH.
Norges Teknisk-Naturvitenskapelige Universitet (NTNU)
The Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) has a national responsibility for graduate engineering education. Ocean science and technology is one of the four strategic research areas of the university. With its broad range of expertise combining natural science, marine engineering, humanities and social science in a holistic approach, NTNU encourages the creation of technological solutions for future marine based industries.
The involved teams at NTNU hold expertise to carry out scientific research related to both exposed seacage aquaculture and land-based production of seafood in recirculation systems:
early life-stage fish biology and histology
interactions between sea-based aquaculture and the marine environment
aquaculture cybernetics: automation and control systems
marine constructions: design of floating structures, logistics, safety
Role in the AQUAEXCEL2020 project
In AQUAEXCEL2020 NTNU will have a central role in research activities in the field of modelling tools and virtual laboratories. It will provide transnational access to the highly demanded CodTech start feeding facilities and to the Marine Cybernetics lab for modelling experiments. NTNU holds a central position in the monitoring of impact of the TNA projects, and is moreover offering training activities.
The NTNU Research Infrastructures open for Access are:
CodTech Lab
Marine Cybernetics Lab (MC lab)
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Prof Elin Kjørsvik is head of the Marine Science Section at the Department of Biology. Her research is focused on juvenile production in fish, functional larval development, nutritional requirements, live feed quality, and environmental effects.
Dr Jo Arve Alfredsen is an Associate Professor at the Department of Engineering Cybernetics. His research is focused on how automation technology can be applied to enhance the design and operation of marine production and harvesting systems.
Dr Morten Alver holds a PhD in Engineering Cybernetics and has expertise in mathematical model development, individual based energetic and population models, instrumentation/ automation in marine aquaculture, software development.
SINTEF Ocean AS has broad expertise and knowledge in utilizing renewable marine resources. The institute will contribute to find solutions to challenges along the entire marine value chain - from biological basis for marine production through aquaculture and harvesting to processing and distribution. SINTEF Ocean AS is part of the SINTEF group, a broadly based, multidisciplinary research organization that possesses international top-level expertise in technology, medicine and the social sciences.
The involved teams hold expertise to carry out scientific research in:
Aquaculture technology and operations
Numerical modelling of aquaculture systems
Systems architecture
Role in the AQUAEXCEL2020 project
SINTEF Ocean AS will be involved in both networking activities and joint research activities. The main research activity will be the development of virtual laboratories (WP leader for WP5/JRA1).
The Research Infrastructure open through the Call for Access is:
Industry Scale Salmon Farming Technology Test Site
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Eleni Kelasidi, PhD, will participate in the activities in WP5 andis currently a Research Scientist at SINTEF Ocean AS and post doc.- researcher at the CoE Centre for Autonomous Marine Operations and Systems, NTNU. She has worked extensively with modelling, control and experimental validation of methods for multi-articulated bio-inspired robotic systems also referred to as underwater snake robots (USRs). Kelasidi was a researcher at the University of Patras before completing a PhD in underwater robotics at NTNU in 2015. Over the last three years, Kelasidi has continued her research in Future Development and Operations - Resident Robot Manipulators for Subsea IMR as a Vista post doc.-Researcher at NTNU.
Research scientist, PhD, Martin Føre will participate in the activities in WP5, and his primary research competence is within mathematical modelling and numerical simulations. His previous research activities include modelling and simulation of fish behaviour and growth, modelling and simulation of the structural dynamics in fish farm systems and components, and the use of acoustic telemetry in aquaculture.
The University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (ULPGC) is a recognised University created in the 1989-1990 academic year and located in the Canary Islands (Spain). Its range of research activities is reflected in its scientific structure, including departments, centers and institutes (IUSA, IUMA, IUSIANI, IDeTIC, IUCTC, TIDES, IOCAG, IATEXT, IUIBS).
IUSA has a wide background in aquaculture by its Aquaculture Research Group (GIA). IUMA has a division specialized in Microelectronic and Microsystems. IUSIANI has a division in Robotics and Computational Oceanography. IDeTIC has a division in Digital Signal Processing.
Role in the AQUAEXCEL2020 project:
ULPGC is involved in different WPs of AQUAEXCEL2020, but playing an important role in the technological and innovative WP8, where research teams from four institutes (IUSA, IUMA, IUSIANI, IDeTIC) are involved according their capacities. ULPGC is involved in the Common standards and tools work-package, as contributor in Experimental Fish Management work-package, and directing the Design and probing of implantable and miniaturized fish biosensors and doing its functional validation in seabass, into the context of Implanted biosensors for remote fish monitoring work-package.
The ULPGC Research Infrastructures open for Access are:
Warm Water Species Selection Unit (WWSSU)
Feed Ingredients and Additives Testing Unit (FITU)
Marine Bio-Assays Station (MBS)
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Dr Juan Manuel Afonso López belongs to the staff of Aquaculture Research Group (GIA) into the IUSA, as specialist in marine genetics (molecular and quantitative genetics), with wide expertise in the characterization and/or appropriate phenotypic definition and harmonization of traits, which will be useful for WP3, WP6 and tasks 8.1 and 8.2.
Dr Juan Antonio Montiel Nelson is in charge of MEMS Division of the IUMA. His research areas are Microelectromechanical systems, RFID, low power and batteryless design for Biomedics and Areospace applications, which will be useful for sub-tasks 8.1.1 and 8.1.2.
Dr Jorge Cabrera Gámez. PhD in Computer Science, is Assoc. Prof. at ULPGC and senior researcher at IUSIANI. His research interest is centred on field robotics and sensor networks with applications in the marine environment, which will be useful for sub-tasks 8.1.1 and 8.1.2.
Wageningen University (WU) is one of the leading international universities in the field of healthy food and living environment. WU consists of one faculty which covers Animal, Plant, Environmental, Agro technology and Food and Social Sciences. Within Animal Sciences the Aquaculture and Fisheries group (WU-AFI) and the Cell Biology and Immunology group (WU-CBI) hold expertise in: (1) growth (& growth modelling), nutrient and energy metabolism using metabolic chambers; (2) health, welfare and wellbeing of fish using carp inbred lines (from one line the complete genome is sequenced),(3) water quality management in RAS using replicated RAS systems and (4) offering MSc courses in Aquaculture, Fish Health and Immunology and intensive courses in Recirculation technology and Fish Immunology and Vaccination.
The involved WU teams hold expertise in:
Fish Nutrition and Behaviour (Dr. Johan Schrama, WU-AFI).
Fish Health and Immunology (Dr. Geert Wiegertjes, WU-CBI).
Fish Production Systems (RAS) (Ing. Ep Eding, WU-AFI).
Role in the AQUAEXCEL2020 project
WU is involved in: Easy access to EU Aquaculture RIs (WP1), Fostering innovations from RI’s (WP2), Common standards and tools (WP3), Integration, training, dissemination and cooperation (WP4), Virtual laboratories and modelling tools for designing experiments in aquaculture research facilities (WP5), Experimental fish management (WP6), Implanted biosensors for remote fish monitoring (WP8) and TNA.
The Research Infrastructures open through the Call for Access are:
Metabolic Research Unit (MRU)
Six replicated Recirculating Aquaculture Systems (RAS)
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Dr Johan Schrama; Research interests include fish nutrition, energy metabolism and fish behavior with special attention for adaptive physiology, intestinal ecology and welfare of fish in intensive farming conditions where water quality is stressful. WU-AFI
Dr Geert Wiegertjes; research interests include cover immunogenetics, host-pathogen interaction in carp and the role of TLRs in innate immunity. Dr Wiegertjes coordinates Targetfish, the largest EC-project on fish health and also organises the Fish Immunology and Vaccination course. WU-CBI
Ing Ep Eding; research interests: fish-water quality interaction in RAS. Has 30 years of experience in RAS design, engineering and operation of WU-MRU. (Co)organized national and international RAS workshops/courses. WU-AFI
Geertje Schlamann, is the education support at the Aquaculture and Fisheries Group, Wageningen University and Research.
The Laboratory of Aquaculture & Artemia Reference Center (ARC) has been involved in larviculture research since the late 70's. Since the mid 80's research activities extended to fish & shellfish larviculture-related fields among others lipid and vitamin requirements, microbial management in larviculture systems, microorganism (bacteria, yeast, micro-algae)-fish larvae interactions, egg and larvae quality, use of enriched Brachionus and Artemia, effects of immunostimulants and other compounds on disease and stress resistance. In order to study host-microbial interactions, the lab has set up small 3 bacteria-free feed chains: microalgae or yeast strains-Artemia, Artemia-sea bass and Artemia-tilapia that can be used as model systems for many aquaculture organisms. Recently, the full genome of Artemia was sequenced and annotated. The combination of this new information with the gnotobiotic Artemia system provided the onset of research on effects of microorganisms on gene expression and physiological pathways involved in immune responses.
Role in the AQUAEXCEL2020 project
UGent will be involved in transnational access.
The UGent Research infrastructure available through the call for access is:
Gnotobiotic Artemia (GArt) as a Model Organism for Aquaculture Research
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Prof Dr ir Peter Bossier has a long-standing experience in microbial ecology and genetics and is focussing his research on host microbial interactions (176 A1- publications).
Dr Kartik Baruah is focusing his research on the (innate) immune system in crustaceans. Using gnotobiotic Artemia as a model system, he is looking at the molecular mechanisms underlying the regulation of immune responses by various anti-microbial strategies, such as heat shock protein and natural plant extracts (45 A1-publications).
K. Dierckens is specialised in live feed for aquaculture and focussing his research on microbial aspects (42 A1-publications).
DLO-IMARES (Institute for Marine Resources and Ecosystem Studies; about 200 FTE) is The Netherlands research institute established to provide the scientific support that is essential for developing policies and innovation in respect of the marine environment, fishery activities, aquaculture and the maritime sector. Within the aquaculture department, DLO IMARES has researchers specialised in the design and performance of systems and water quality, as well as significant experience in the field of fish performance (e.g. fitness, reproduction, physiology, welfare) in RAS. This combination of expertise in the performance of the fish and the systems is pivotal for the introduction of new species in modern aquacultural set-ups.
Role in the AQUAEXCEL2020 project
DLO-IMARES will participate in WP5 focusing on virtual laboratories and modelling tools for designing experiments in aquaculture research facilities. In addition, DLO-IMARES will also contribute through TNA, offering one infrastructure which includes independent units for research on fish performance, all suited for experiments with new or established species in larval, juvenile or grow-out phase.
The Research Infrastructure open through the Call for Access is:
RAS and Fish Performance Systems (RECIRC)
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Dr Ewout Blom is in charge of the research facilities of DLO-IMARES. Ewout is a specialist in design and performance of RAS and water quality management and has many years of field experience in RAS systems and RAS hatcheries for both fresh water and saltwater species. He has extensive experience in designing and managing systems for European and national projects.
Dr Wout Abbink is in charge of the TNA involvement of DLO-IMARES. He is a researcher specialised in fish physiology and additionally works on projects related to fish welfare, water quality and the introduction of new aquaculture species in The Netherlands. He has significant experience in working and managing EU and national projects in these fields. He will be task leader in WP5.
MSc Edward Schram is a researcher with significant experience in working and managing EU and National projects. He is currently working on a PhD project about the physiological mechanisms underlying absorption, distribution and excretion of geosmin and MIB in fish and is involved in projects related to the introduction of new aquaculture species, bio-economic evaluation and water quality.
AquaTT is an SME specialising in dissemination, knowledge management and transfer, communication, training and outreach activities. Founded in 1992 under the EU COMETT Programme as a University Enterprise Training Partnership (UETP) to help bridge the gap between science and industry, AquaTT has almost 30 years of experience working in scientific fields related to Marine, Food, Energy, Health and Environment, which are key sectors for Europe’s sustainability.
AquaTT was the coordinator of support action MarineTT, a flagship FP7 project that established successful knowledge management and transfer methodologies which are currently being implemented in several other FP7 and national projects. In parallel to its work supporting research, AquaTT has a long track record in the field of education and training, informing strategies, and creating networks to exchange best practice. AquaTT works alongside Europe’s top researchers to help tackle major societal challenges by ensuring the new knowledge generated from EU research is effectively transferred, resulting in uptake and measurable impact.
Role in the AQUAEXCEL2020 project
AquaTT leads work package 4 (Integration, training, dissemination and cooperation), and is involved in WP1 (Easy access to EU aquaculture RIs) and WP2 (Fostering Innovation from RIs).
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Marieke Reuver - RTD Programme Manager. Marieke has extensive experience in managing EC research projects, dealing specifically with knowledge management and transfer, communication, and stakeholder engagement. She has been work package leader for over 10 FP7 projects, and member of advisory boards. Marieke has coordinated FP7-AQUAEXCEL’s WP5, (training, knowledge & technology transfer and communication). She has a background in Animal Science (MSc) with an aquaculture specialisation from Wageningen University (the Netherlands).
David Murphy - AquaTT Manager. David has more than 15 years of experience working in EC projects in the field of RTD, Education and Training, having coordinated 8 and participated in over 40. He coordinated Aqua-tnet for five years, and was instrumental in growing the network to a more significant body able to meet the challenges of the Bologna and Copenhagen Processes and Reforms. He is also the facilitator of the Knowledge Management Thematic Area of EATiP.
Rebecca Doyle - Project Officer. Qualified from University College Dublin with a BSc in Zoology and a Master of Science in Wildlife Management and Conservation. Part of her research focused on a freshwater invasive species. She also has experience in native woodland conservation, environmental outreach and food waste in the seafood sector. Rebecca also worked for a short period with sea turtles in the Caribbean.
Inra Transfert is a fully-owned INRA’s subsidiary founded to exploit INRA’s research results and innovative technologies, and develop them into concrete business opportunities. IT is a technology transfer company specialised in innovative technologies arising from agriculture-related research. The IT European Projects Department is aimed at strengthening INRA’s contribution to the implementation of the European Research Area with the mission to help INRA researchers and partners to setup projects in response to EC calls and manage them when selected by the EC.
Staff of IT Europe department holds a strong expertise in:
Helping researchers in the conception, construction and writing of relevant proposals especially regarding the health, agriculture, and environment topics.
Managing FP6 and FP7 collaborative projects of all sizes and type of instrument (i) Large CP as DROPS, NovelTree (forest sector driven genetic improvement of trees) and Triticeae Genome (Triticeae genomics for improved selection), (ii) Infractrustures: NADIR, iii) Integrated projects as Co- Extra (co-existence and traceability of GMOs) and BaSysBio (Bacillus subtilis systems biology) and (iv) Networks of excellence as Evoltree (evolution of trees as biodiversity drivers) and Endure (durable exploitation of crop protection strategies)
Additionally, in view of dissemination of the project results, IT puts at the disposal of the project the unique expertise held by its Technology Transfer department in:
Managing technology portfolios through analysing inventions and their environment, searching for industrial partners, negotiating terms and conditions of technology transfer.
Supporting development of innovative start-up companies by:
Defining a business project around the know-how or patented technology to be transferred
Determining IP related results to guarantee conditions for product commercialisation
Organising the technology transfer to the innovation company.
Role in the AQUAEXCEL2020 project
IT will take in charge the project management tasks supporting the Coordinator, the AQUAEXCEL2020 decision-making and implementing bodies of the project and the whole consortium (WP9).
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Ms Bénédicte Ferreira, WP9 leader, holds a Master in corporate management and EU project engineering. Since 2006, she has managed several EU projects ranging from Europaid project (URB-AL), Network of Excellence (ENDURE), Infrastructure (FP7- AQUAEXCEL) and Collaborative projects in which she has been in charge of the dissemination and internal communication too (EcoBioCAP, ENDURE) in FP6 and FP7.
Mr Ronan Pendu is the interim work package 9 leader.
Université de Lorraine (UL)
URAFPA-DAC from the University of Lorraine (UL) is a research team working on basic and applied research dedicated to the development of inland aquaculture with focus on the reproduction of new species. A variety of approaches are employed at the zootechnical, physiological and molecular levels. The recent projects include the effects of photothermal treatments on fish oogenesis including interspecies comparisons, the research of new molecular markers of oocyte quality in Eurasian perch, the influence of domestication on perch and pikeperch gametogenesis, the effects of contaminants on the reproductive physiology. These works involve a number of freshwater species with particular attention to the percid fishes. A new platform in aquaculture has been created, equipped with many RAS allowing the rearing of freshwater fish at all developmental stages and a fine photothermal control of the reproductive cycle.
Role in the AQUAEXCEL2020 project
UL will be actively involved in WP1, WP2 and WP4.
Two facilities will be offered for the TNA programme:
Experimental Platform in Aquaculture (EPA)
Behaviour Room (Behaviour)
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Prof Pascal Fontaine is a fish zoologist, full professor, and leader of the DAC team from the University of Lorraine. He has managed several large research programs in the field of percid culture and he has supervised the planning and construction of the new platform in experimental aquaculture (UL).
Dr Sylvain Milla is in charge of the contact between AQUAEXCEL2020 partners and the UL (URAFPA-DAC team). He is working as an associate professor; he has focused his work and managed projects on fish reproductive physiology and fish stress, particularly on rainbow trout and Eurasian perch.
Dr Alain Pasquet is a biologist specialized in the animal behaviour. He is working as a full researcher of the CNRS and his work is related to the behavioural features of fish larvae including their interactions.
Danmarks Tekniske Universitet (DTU)
DTU Veterinary encompasses all infectious animal diseases in farm livestock and companion animals, and covers all related disciplines: pathology, bacteriology, virology, parasitology, immunology, vaccinology, serology, epidemiology and risk assessment. While fulfilling an educational and communication role, DTU Vet is involved in research, innovation, diagnostics, monitoring, advisory services and risk assessment, and the production of vaccines and sera. DTU Vet carries out basic and applied research aiming to control and prevent infectious diseases, including fish virus diseases such as viral haemorrhagic septicaemia, infectious hematopoietic necrosis and infectious salmon anemia. DTU Vet is responsible for the laboratory component of the Danish veterinary contingency plan on the management animal diseases outbreaks (including fish). DTU Vet is the National- and the EU reference laboratory for fish diseases and the OIE reference laboratory for VHS. DTU Vet have approximately 180 staff in two departments: Virology (Lindholm), and Veterinary Diagnostics and Research (Copenhagen).
Role in the AQUAEXCEL2020 project
DTU Vet plays a central role in the infectiology part of AQUAEXCEL2020 and will assess disease resistance traits in key aquaculture fish species. As well as determine criteria for humane endpoint in experimental infection trials in order to substitute mortality rate which have been used for decades but is no longer acceptable in the general perception on experimental animal welfare.
The Research Infrastructure open for Access is:
Laboratory and Fish tank facilities of the National Veterinary Institute (VET)
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Prof Niels Jørgen Olesen, DVM, employed at DTU Vet, Section for Fish Diseases, since 1982, Professor since 2011. Head of the European Union Reference Laboratory for Fish Diseases and OIE Reference Laboratory for VHS since 1996. Research tasks: Leader or part of approx 27 research projects, primarily concerning VHS and other viral diseases in fish, but also on bacterial and parasitic diseases and on fish immunology.
Mr Niccoló Vendramin, Veterinarian, DVM, Employed at the National Veterinary Institute, Technical University of Denmark, Section for Fish Diseases, Frederiksberg, since 2012. Previously employed at the national reference laboratory for fish disease at IZSVe, Padova, Italy (2010-2012). Postgraduate diploma with specialization in aquaculture, fish disease and hygiene of fish products since 2012.
Mr Morten S. Bruun, Veterinarian, DVM, Employed at the National Veterinary Institute, Technical University of Denmark, Section for Fish Diseases, Frederiksberg, since 2013. PhD degree in aquatic microbiology from The Royal Veterinary- and Agricultural University. MSB have worked with fish diseases, antibiotic resistance, environmental and molecular microbiology since 2002.
Centro de Ciências do Mar do Algarve (CCMAR)
CCMAR is an independent multidisciplinary, non-profit research organization, with the mission of promote research and education on processes in the marine environment, with emphasis on biological interactions and the sustainable use of resources. It has competence in a range of areas of marine biology, biotechnology, fisheries and aquaculture. CCMAR is one of the foremost marine science research centres in Portugal, it is part national roadmap for research infrastructures and a member of various European scientific research consortia, including the marine stations network ASSEMBLE (, founder and Portuguese node of the ESFRI European Centre of Marine Biological Resources ( and of Euromarine plus (
In AQUAEXCEL2020 the Aquaculture, Comparative Endocrinology and Integrative Biology, and Organic Electronics groups are involved. The participating teams hold expertise to carry out scientific research in: Fish reproductive technology and nutrition, (ii) Fish reproductive physiology, osmoregulation, and genomics (iii) Electronic devices.
Role in the AQUAEXCEL2020 project
CCMAR will lead WP3 and will contribute to tasks 3.2 on genomics tools, 3.3 on cryobanks, 7.3 on long term maintenance of fish cell lines and 8.1 on developing biosensors. CCMAR will also provide a link between AQUAEXCEL2020 and EMBRC.
The Research Infrastructure open for Access is:
Algarve Marine Sciences Centre, Ramalhete station (Ramalhete)
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Prof Adelino Canariois in charge of WP3 and participates in task 3.2. He is the director of CCMAR and leads the Comparative Endocrinology and Integrative Biology group. His research interests include reproductive physiology, chemical communication, behaviour and osmoregulation.
Dr Elsa Cabrita is assistant professor at the University of Algarve, specializing in fish reproductive technologies and participates in germ cell cryopreservation tasks 3.3 and 7.3.
Dr Henrique Gomes participates in task 8.1. He is associate professor and heads the Organic Electronics research group. In the field of organic electronics, key contributions include (i) studies of gate bias stress in organic transistors, (ii) systematic investigation of polymer Schottky diodes and understanding their ac small signal response through equivalent circuit modelling, (iii) studies of resistive switching on polymer-based memory devices (plastic-RRAMs). Ongoing research focuses on the interaction between electronic devices and living cells to develop biosensors and biomedical devices.
The IEO is a public research organization, devoted to research into marine sciences, especially in terms of the scientific knowledge of oceans, sustainability of fisheries resources, aquaculture and marine environment. It gives scientific advice in Fisheries and Aquaculture policies and represents Spain in most science and technology international boards related with the sea and its resources. The aquaculture area carries out basic and applied research concerning the rearing process of marine fish and molluscs, their welfare, aquaculture technology as well as the improvement of fish. It has state of the art facilities for both experimental and pilot scale studies, including hatcheries, pre-growing and on-growing land facilities.
The involved IEO teams (Vigo and Murcia) hold expertise to carry out scientific research in: Rearing protocols for new and consolidated species for aquaculture such as Atlantic bluefin tuna, wreckfish, European hake, greater amberjack, sparids, flatfish and cephalopods, reproductive performance and physiology, nutritional requirements of cultured marine species, health and welfare, immune system and vaccine development and genetic analysis for selective breeding of aquaculture stocks.
Role in the AQUAEXCEL2020 project
IEO will contribute to WP 1 (tasks 1.2, 1.3, 1.4 and 1.5), 2 (task 2.2), 3 (task 3.3), 4 (tasks 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, 4.4) and 6 (task 6.2). It will be involved in activities related with new candidate marine species for aquaculture. The IEO maintain the major available broodstocks of bluefin tuna, wreckfish and European hake.
The Research Infrastructures open for Access are:
Aquaculture Facility IEO-Vigo (AquaCOV)
Infrastructure for Controlling the Reproduction of Bluefin Tuna (ICRA)
Marine Aquaculture Plant (MAP)
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Dr Montse Pérez is in charge of issues related with genetics applied to aquaculture. PhD in Biology and Senior Researcher at the IEO in Vigo. Involved in fisheries and aquaculture genetics research since 2000 (evaluation of marine genetic resources, population genetics, molecular traceability, molecular markers). Experience in 4 EU projects, 2 Spanish patents on identification of hake species.
Dr Fernando de la Gándara is a PhD in Biology and researcher at the IEO in Murcia (Spain). 15 years of experience in bluefin tuna aquaculture and farming research in more than 10 projects. Coordinator of the EU 7FP, SELFDOTT Project (From capture-based to self-sustained aquaculture and domestication of bluefin tuna - KBBE-2007-1-2-09), 2008- 2011, integrating 13 companies, research centers and universities, belonging to 8 European countries.
European Aquaculture Technology and Innovation Platform (EATiP)
EATIP ( is an officially-recognised, multi-stakeholder European Technology Platform in the area of the Bio-based Economy, comprising more than 60 organisations that are involved professionally in the European aquaculture value chain (commercial companies, RTD institutes- universities, professional representative structures and environmental organisations. Incorporated as a non-profit organization, EATiP has a Board of Directors, each very experienced within their specialisations, and 8 Thematic Areas, covering the core interests of aquaculture. Each Thematic Area has an experienced Chairperson, from industry, and Facilitator(s) from the RTD sector, with multi-stakeholder membership drawn from the European aquaculture sector.
The objectives of EATIP are:
Establish a strong relationship between aquaculture and the consumer, including issues relating to human health, product quality, traceability...
Assure a sustainable aquaculture industry, covering social, environmental and economic issues
Consolidate the role of aquaculture in society, developing knowledge management, skill development, communications, networking.
These aspects were integrated within EATiP’s Vision for the future of European aquaculture and an overarching Strategic Research & Innovation Agenda and Action Plan (see for details), which is widely referenced for its scope and integration with European policy objectives.
Role in the AQUAEXCEL2020 project
Coordinator of WP2 (Fostering Innovation from RIs), creation and management of an Industry & Research Advisory Panel and active in WPs 1 and 4.
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Mr Courtney Hough (M) over 30 years involvement in aquaculture (production and marketing) in Europe and overseas, 20 years involvement in representative activities, both for FEAP and for EATIP (European Aquaculture Technology and Innovation Platform), in respect of National and European authorities and institutions.
Ms Catherine Pons (F) Executive Secretary of EATiP with extensive involvement in learning projects (WAVE, VALLA) and AquaTnet, and intimately involved in the ESCO (European Skills, Competences, Qualifications and Occupations) initiative.
AQUAEXCEL2020 consortium.
Page created on: Fri, 30/09/2016 - 12:22. Last update: Fri, 20/05/2022 - 14:35.